Thursday, November 18, 2004

This Week

Wow, it's been awhile since I've updated. Didn't mean to leave it on that rant for so long. This post will be more of a summary of the week than a specific topic.
On Tuesday, I was feeling rather sleep deprived, and amazingly enough, that put me in a rather good mood. Student J, who always comes in here with an attitude, well, I had the hardest time not laughing while helping him. I never realized how funny these kids are. Student J kept asking the "computer lady" what she did, and telling her teachers who had broken computers. Maybe it's just me, but for Mr. Juevenile Delinquent to be givnig her a list of broken computers, well that is irony.
Yesterday wasn't so fun. I heard the teacher next door, who has no discipline, yell "Just shut up" at her kids. Next thing I know she's crying and her worst offenders are trying to comfort her. Well, it ends up with two admins, including the principal. Well, they kinda yell at the kids, and the student teachers start teaching, and eventually the admins leave. Now it's just me, and two student teachers. This class had just made their teacher cry, and your leaving a paraprofessional in charge? I mean I could handle it, but still. What am I, a shit handler? But those kids, man, they are on my watch list. Especially student X. His behavior is pretty extreme, and he knows the line. He knows how far he can push without getting in trouble. Though he'd better be careful with me. I am determined he will learn to behave appropriatly or go to S.O.S.


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