Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dark Reality

They hardest challenge I have faced as an educator is inability to fix my student's problems. I want to hug them and make all the hurt go away. But it doesn't work like that. Their reality is theirs, not mine. All I can do is help them deal with it, and pray for them.
What has brought on this melancholy? I was reminded recently of the rough places some of my students come from. With the problems these kids have, it is amazing they are able to function, much less learn. Everything from parent's being in jail to being abused are burden's these children have to bear. Some wear ankle monitoring devices. Many have parole officers. All of them, or at least it seems that way to me, are hurting.
I can't hug the pain away. All I can do is let them know I care, by providing the consitency and stability so many are lacking. Along with true interest in their lives. In some situations, I will file a report with the Department of Family Services. In others, I may have to call the police.
Mostly, I can only be there, to help give them the tools they need to deal with their reality.
Some days, I really wish my chalk were a magic wand.

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