Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Anger Ahead

That's how I feel. Like I'm not worth the admins time.
I really don't think they value us.
Oops, we don't have enough subs, lets get the sped people first. They don't need conference times.
Forget that we have 3 times the paperwork.
We made a mistake, and we need SAC covered by sped,
Nope, no worries, their kids don't need consistency.
But hey, I get stuck with a well meaning but horrible co-teacher
Too bad, we can't make any changes, even though it you only have 4 kids in your class who would be moved.
Now they are bringing in a new math teacher, and they are taking away our resource room.
Sure, I know they need the room. But they do all these changes, stress us out, makes us relearn our job each week, and they wonder when we screw up?
But hey, we're just Sped. It's not like we matter.

(Edit: 3 years later, my opinion has changed for most of our administrators. And I think their opinions of us have changed as well. I trust my principle to do the best thing for the kids, and for the staff. Though I don't envy her that job, as it is a tough one.)


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