Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Teachers who Can't

But still do are frustrating. We have one here,Ms.Apathetic, who just shouldn't teach. Everything is too much of a bother for her. She can't work with the kids individually (your a sped teacher, that's part of the job description), she doesn't have time to fill out paperwork or test them, and heaven forbid she stay after the bell to work on stuff for the next day!
In someways I can see where she is coming from. She's in a job she's not meant for, and that makes it hard to do Anything! But, it's the kids who suffer. Her kids hate going to her class, and I don't blame them. She's mean and they learn nothing. So she is taking a year of their education from them, when they are already behind.


Blogger Maya said...

Indeed. It's upsetting when teachers or professors are indifferent towards their students. It's actually the worst thing imaginable in my eyes (or second to worst). Especially for someone like me, who actually enjoys going to school, and I did as a toddler as well (I've been in school since I was 3). Apathetic teachers are the worst, they make it no easier on themselves or their students that way. I just finished up my second to last semester as a senior in college, and I've, unfortunately been subjected to my fair share of apathetic professors, one of them this very semester, for an imperative class pertaining to my major! It's unfortunate that it has to happen, and we (the students) pay the cost. In the end however, the teachers/professors must be miserable as well, for, if it's not their calling indeed, they must dread what they do, and if you dread what you do for a living, then you are compromising your essence, and THAT is the worst thing imaginable!

5:41 PM  

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