Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Death in the air

One of the scariest things to face is that which you can't see. Apparently there is a new Staph bacteria out there which is resistant to anti-biotics. And it's airborne, so any open wound could let this lethal bug in. We already have 2 students in the hospital fighting off this thing.
So what do you do when your afraid, yet you have to lead your students? What do you do about the ones who smell, have tons of sores, but won't cover them? How do we protect them, yet protect ourselves? Perhaps its paranoia, but I'm afraid of getting to close to these kiddos now. Aids, lice, and now staph. What's next?


Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for visiting my blog. This is very scary. Take care of yourself. I think it takes a lot of courage to be a teacher, even without the bacteria scare.

12:16 PM  

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