Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Well, I have finally decided. I will no longer post updates to this blog. Instead I will consolidate it with my Buttonhole Blog;. Topics will be varied, I can promise you that much.

Monday, January 17, 2005


I'm thinking of combining this blog with my other blog. These days, it's all I can do to update buttonhole, and I just don't know if I have enough to write about on here. But I haven't made my mind up yet, so we'll see. I'll post an announcment if I make that choice.

Friday, January 07, 2005


I was standing out in the hall today when I saw a student walking away from a teacher who was calling him, Mrs. C. Now we had recently instated a new disciplinary policy, and we need to make sure we are consistent with the kiddos, so I and another teacher step in and direct him back towards her. He gets over there, and the confrontation starts. This kid is a very tall black kid, with a mean attitude. I use those descriptors because I still don't know his name.
Mrs. C starts talking to him, and apparently he decided calling her a "N----r" was a good idea. It was really humorous after the fact to see an African American male calling a white teacher that word.
Mrs. C had the most shocked look on her face I have ever seen. But she recovered quickly and told hte kid he was getting a citation. At our school, if you cuss at a teacher, you get a ticket, go to court pay a fine, and do community service.
Well this boy was none to happy about her comment. He gets all close to her, and starts shouting:
"Whatd I say? Huh what'd I say? How are you going to write me a citation if you can't tell me what I said?"
At this point I told Mrs. C to go call an administrator and I tell the kid to go to class. His response:
"I'm staying right here till she tells me what I said!"
He then follows Mrs. C into the classroom, and I follow him. Now, so long as we don't say anything to him, he keeps quiet, but I spoke to him and he started shouting again.
During this whole time his body language was very aggressive. Coming in real close, bow-ing his shoulders.
Finally, he takes off running as 6 administrators converge on our hall. And none of us knew his name. I ran after him to keep up with him, and fortunately Mr. S, a large male VP, had stopped him.
Mrs. C later said she had never been so scared in her life.
Later, when I wrote up my account of hwat happened, I walked into the 7th grade office to turn it in, and the kid was there. He starts shouting, "She's exaggerating, that lady is exaggerating!"
After I left, he apprently tore my statement in half.
But he is getting a citation, after getting in our School Officer's face, and he is going to S.O.S, a special placement school.
Thank goodness.

Hello, Goodbye

No, I'm not stopping blogging. It is just those two words have been very poignant for me this week. 1 of my students I was really close to and had seen alot of improvment in moved. I'll miss her.
Another student I have been clashing heads with, but trying to developed a relationship with at the same time, said hello to me today. For him, to say something to me without me saying it first, is a major breakthrough.

Monday, January 03, 2005

One workday

That's all we had before the kids come back. I was actually glad to be back. It's been hard being at home. And I miss the kids. I need the distraction.
For anyone who reads only this blog, check out my other, the Button Hole Project. I am going to explain more on that blog what is going on in my personal life.
So, tomorrow, after I get back from the doctor, I get to re-enter the school world. Probably spend most of the day in the hall and doing some data crunching, but hey, the kids will be there. I actually miss them. I know I've said that a few times, but I just can't believe it.