Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Uncertainty [Dec. 16th, 2007|01:23 am]

I really like where I work. I like the kids. I like my co-workers. And, I trust my Admins. Why didn't I use like? Well, with your boss, it's more important whether you can trust them. I have worked with folks who are great people, but terrible bosses. So, I like the Administrators at our school.
But there is a problem. A new school is opening. I thought it would be a good thing. Take care of some of the over crowding...nope. Our school will stay about the same size. Oh and guess what? We have to give up teachers. If not enough people transfer willingly, it sounds like they plan to make us go over there.
Did I mention that I like where and who I work with?
Sure, they aren't likely to take a teacher just starting her third year. Except I am a good teacher. Oh I still have alot to learn, don't get me wrong, but I'm pretty good at this. I'm good with tech, and I do things for the school because they need to be done.
So, they may want me. And I don't want to go.
I'm not saying the staff there are bad. I don't know. I don't know anything about the head principal. He might be great. But it's the chance he might not be great, when I have a great principal already, that worries me.
But what if they leave me and take my department head? She rocks! The school wouldn't be the same if she left.
I get it. They don't want to hire all new staff. That's not a good way to start a school. But stripping other schools of their staff isn't fair either.
I don't like change. I'm happy where I work, and who I work with. Can't they just take the volunteers, and hire the rest?


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