Wednesday, November 26, 2008

[Oct. 31st, 2007|08:09 am]

They say what does not kill us makes us stronger. You can call me Hercules.
My second year of teaching has brought with it so many new challenges, both in school and at home.
This has left me feeling so overwhelmed.
J is back at school, and that is proving extra challenging. He is doing great, but he wants a 4.0 so can get off scholastic probation this semester. Once he's off Sco-Pro, then he can get his school ring. Not to mention that getting a 4.0 would tell him, and everyone else, "Yes, I can do this." And J needs that right now.
Then our little ferret Cream started acting real funny last night. He was breathing real funny, Every so often he would start gasping. And he was so listless. Poor little guy. Turns out there is something in him that isn't supposed to be there, either tumor or obstruction. So, he will get surgery today. $1000 bucks right there gone. But, he's worth it. He's my little guy. When I was holding him on the way to the vet, he layed there so quiet, so sweet.
So, that's a portion of the personal stuff. As far as teaching, check the post before this one. The good news is that little girl seemed calmer the next day, not as confrontational. I helped her. That is helping me deal with the emotions of wanting to protect her, and not being able to.
So, Once more into the breach!


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