Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Privilege and Power [Jan. 25th, 2008|09:22 pm]

I remember working at my old school in Content Mastery. I was envious of hte teacher's who got to know the kids well enough to have the kids open up to them. I saw them do so much good, and yet I felt like I was spinning my wheels. I didn't know what I was being envious of.
Theh first time a student entrusted me with the horrors of her life, it was all I could do to hold myself together long enough to help her.
But I did, and seeing the load lightened on her soul made it worth it.
This time, the load is not so burdensome. I am concerned, but not breaking down myself. Most of what is bothering me is wondering if I did everything I could to help her, or did the best of what I could do.
Sometimes, the weight of my student's lives threatens to crush me. It's hard to care so much. But when you see those lives get just a little bit better, the weight doesn't seem so bad. It's worth it. Helping them, is just worth it.


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