Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Popsicle Sticks and Timers [Jan. 11th, 2007|03:27 pm]

I finally got things together enough to do a couple of tricks I have been told are great for classroom managment.
1) I brought my dang kitchen timer. That was a lifesaver. It kept me on task, and put a concrete end different parts of the class. The kids didn't dally as much because they were watching that timer. And, when they didn't finish because they were goofing off, too bad so sad, it's homework.

2)I used the popsicle sticks. You wouldn't think it would be necessary to have a random way to call on kids with only 8 students but it really is. Sure they griped about it when I would draw their name, but it held them accountable. It didn't work too well on the questions, but it was the first time I've used it. On the reading however, it was awesome. I would have the last kid who read pull the stick for the next kid. If they refused to read, -10 points on participation, and I moved on. I only had one student refuse. I have never had a class run that smoothly. Minimal disruptions, great productivity, it rocked!


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