Comments to my livejournal
Sorry Data Diva, but I can't remember the exact assignment, I just know it had something to do with what we have come to discover we do well.
I remember working at my old school in Content Mastery. I was envious of hte teacher's who got to know the kids well enough to have the kids open up to them. I saw them do so much good, and yet I felt like I was spinning my wheels. I didn't know what I was being envious of.
Sit down less during class: This one is kinda of teaching 101, but I have found myself falling prey to the sit down tempation. Sitting is comfortable. I like sitting. I like being at my desk, my own little space. But that isn't good teaching. Good teaching is going around the room and helping students. By circulating, I prevent/catch discipline issues. I can answer questions more easily. Plus, it's better for me physically. So, I have to get out of my sedentary self and avoid my desk. Not like I my desk is useful with it's constant stay of messiness.
I really like where I work. I like the kids. I like my co-workers. And, I trust my Admins. Why didn't I use like? Well, with your boss, it's more important whether you can trust them. I have worked with folks who are great people, but terrible bosses. So, I like the Administrators at our school.
I am working on a unit for my 7th graders research and source reliability. As you can imagine, 12 and 13 year olds aren't always very savvy in regards to what is true on the internet and what isn't. As part of this unit, I am going to show my class screen-shots from a Martin Luther King Jr. Website that on the surface appears very benign. In reality, it is anything but. The site is hosted by a white supremacist group. (I am not mentioning the groups name, or website address, simply because I will not publicize, route, or in any other way support these people. If you are an educator, and you would like more information on this site to use in a way similar to how I am using it, contact me via the comments section of my journal.)
I am so angry. And I don't know if I have a right to be. Am I letting something get to me that shouldn't, or is my anger justified?
They say what does not kill us makes us stronger. You can call me Hercules.
26 Weeks since the last time I posted. 26 Weeks. 6.5 months. Take out 2.5 months for summer, and that's 3 months of teaching time. Since that last post, I have aquired my full certification. I was invited to and attended a Technology conference. I have taken over our school's webpage, am pushing for our Tech club to get going, and have learned about making movies.
TAKS is over, we are counting down the days till school is out, and the kids are freaking crazy. I have signed my contract for next year, aced my PPR test (necessary to be fully certified), and am becoming recognized for my fearless technology. Not necessarily talented, but fearless.
I feel a little sick.
Woot! I just gotta get through 8 hours.
I'm an interesting study. I enjoy compliments immensely, but at the same time, I have no idea how to handle htem. So I end up avoiding them too. how is it possible to be attention hungry as well as shy?
I have never wanted to cry as much as I have today. Frustration does that to me. H is being obstinate, 4/5 is hell, as usual, and I am wondering, what part do I play in this classes issues?
Some days, I feel completely overwhelmed. Often this happens when I'm exploring the internet, looking for resources for my classes. The amount of information is overwhelming. At the same time, what I need to teach these kids is overwhelming. Perhaps I need to find a new word, as overwhelmed is getting used alot in this post already.
Well, I have volunteered for yet more work. I don't want to. I really don't. But the kids need the help. They want to learn.
We just got the scores back from our latest checkpoints. They were worse than this time last year.
Two of my boys in my resource class took and on-level checkpoint last week and over half of their problems were correct. I love it when we can get these kids in the regular classroom. They are both so pumped!
Technology is one area I feel I can really shine in. When my class is wild, I can take solace in the fact that my Inspirations are great. When my lesson falls flat, I will work on my web page later that day. I get such a thrill when I can help other teachers with the technology, opening up new worlds to them. In some ways, it is more exciting than teaching the kids. The kids pick up Tech pretty quick. They inherently accept it's value. Teachers however, many of whom only recently began to use computers, need that value proven again and again. It is wonderful when I'm able to do that.
I am exhausted. Some days, I come to 6th period, and I'm ok. My block class wasn't too bad. Other days, I come, and I wonder how I can make it for the rest of the year. We have so many challenging kids, and my co-teacher is not equipped to deal with today's "challenging" students. Could I do better, were I the teacher? I don't know. All I know is my hands are currently tied.
At my school, we are part of a grant that provides laptops. Talk about being immersed in technology. After 4 months of this, I have become very thoughtful on how much technology has changed in my lifetime. But first, some vocabulary.
I finally got things together enough to do a couple of tricks I have been told are great for classroom managment. 1) I brought my dang kitchen timer. That was a lifesaver. It kept me on task, and put a concrete end different parts of the class. The kids didn't dally as much because they were watching that timer. And, when they didn't finish because they were goofing off, too bad so sad, it's homework. 2)I used the popsicle sticks. You wouldn't think it would be necessary to have a random way to call on kids with only 8 students but it really is. Sure they griped about it when I would draw their name, but it held them accountable. It didn't work too well on the questions, but it was the first time I've used it. On the reading however, it was awesome. I would have the last kid who read pull the stick for the next kid. If they refused to read, -10 points on participation, and I moved on. I only had one student refuse. I have never had a class run that smoothly. Minimal disruptions, great productivity, it rocked! |
Yup, Christmas, and Christmas break, are over. It has been very difficult to come back to work. Yesterday was ok, as the teachers were tired and the students were tired. I struggled through another disjointed lesson. This time I was trying to introduce this units academic vocabulary. In some ways it went well. The word documents I created to give instructions included pictures. The kids were mostly able to follow it. But too many computers were not working. Add to that, all they had to do was cut and paste once they found the definition. Did they learn? How can I further integrate these words? I often feel that I am just throwing information at these kids hopeing they manage to catch some of it.
Finding books my kids can both read and are interested in is a constant struggle. So I was incredibly excited when one of our local librarians put several aside for me that are low level/high interest for minority students. 20 books for me to look through. Now the question is, how can I get my hands on more than just one?
I am so very tired right now. I have avoided posting, because I wanted a positive post. But when I've had positive moments, I haven't thought about writing. So, either lots of negative posts, or no posts at all. So I'm going to talk about successes first
On Monday I passed out these cute journals I found at the dollar store. I was so excited to be able to give my kiddos REAL journals, not just spiral notebooks. They were excited too.
That's how I feel. Like I'm not worth the admins time.
This past week was full of downs and ups. Yes, I recognize the phrase is "ups and downs", but the timeing was off for me. I started off the week with alot of drama happening. I ended it with some great experiences. Here's the play by play:
Labels: ferret, java, rikki tikki tavi, school, teacher, teaching
They hardest challenge I have faced as an educator is inability to fix my student's problems. I want to hug them and make all the hurt go away. But it doesn't work like that. Their reality is theirs, not mine. All I can do is help them deal with it, and pray for them.
Sore feet. Perspective. Exhaustion. All of these things have accompanied my 1st 3 weeks of teaching.
August 24th, 2006
Somebody in Uncertainty
I do not think you will have to worry about the future, as we need great folks at the school who believe in what we are doing. The path is not easy! Teachers were asked to volunteer first, then teachers were asked if they might be leaving the school (Link) (Reply)
Somebody in Journals
Hey, I just read all your entries and I have to tell you the philosophy that got me through teaching special ed, working at an alternative school and being an administrator. Being an idealist got me there every day and being realistic kept me there. (Link) (Reply)